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- Short: Smear shadows v.0.9 (flexible IFX script)
- Author: carl.licke@swipnet.se (Carl Licke)
- Uploader: carl.licke@swipnet.se (Carl Licke)
- Version: 0.9
- Type: gfx/edit
- Requires: ImageFX
- Long:
- smearshadow v.0.9
- (visitware!)
- by: Carl Licke / Turbid design
- mailto:carl.licke@swipnet.se
- http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-24653/
- This is a great tool for creating smear shadows, for use on web or print
- (or whatever you want).
- What is a smeared shadow? Well test this and see.
- It needs ImageFX. Tested successfully with version 1.52.
- Please report bugs/problems, or if you know how to improve it.
- This script is visitware!
- If you use it, you have to visit my homepage (I'm so sorry for you :-),
- and have a look around:
- http://home2.swipnet.se/~w-24653/
- To read about my programs and see examples, click on "software: Amiga".
- (I will update that page very much soon)
- If you have used this script for a webpage, I would appreciate to get
- the URL to it!
- If you want, just drop me a mail (carl.licke@swipnet.se).
- features
- --------
- * background pattern support
- * selectable colors (background and shadow)
- * adjustable softness of shadows
- * adjustable direction and length of shadow
- * adjustable shade of shadow
- * magic scissors support
- * antialias possible
- * disperse ("speedline" shadows)
- * remembers settings (until you reboot)
- * GUI
- installation
- ------------
- copy smearshadow.ifx to ImageFX:Rexx/
- (recommended, but not needed)
- You also need the assign ImageFX: for your ImageFX-path.
- I think you have that already.
- usage
- -----
- Start ImageFX and load/create an image.
- Select the Arexx button in ImageFX.
- In the filerequester, select the smearshadow.ifx file and OK.
- If everything went right, a GUI pops up.
- There are lots of options, but you probably won't need to care about
- so many of them to get a decent result.
- Play with it and you will get it, or read on.
- Here follows an explanation of the GUI:
- x and y size increase:
- How many pixels the image vill increase.
- It should be higher if you increase x or y difference or gauss value.
- It should be more then the offset values, or it will look weird.
- shade:
- How dark the shadow will be.
- Or how yellow, if you selected yellow as shadowcolor.
- softness:
- How soft the shadow will be.
- length:
- How long the shadow will be.
- angle:
- The light will shine from this angle.
- See this figure:
- 90
- |
- |
- -180 or 180 -----+----- 0
- |
- |
- -90
- x and y offset:
- How far from the corner the image will appear.
- Most needed with high softness (5), see for yourself.
- magic scissors:
- If you check this, the most usual color (in the original image)
- will be removed.
- It will be replaced with white, or your selected background.
- anti alias:
- Removes ugly edges around the object.
- Often needed with magic scissors.
- background from swap:
- Uses the swap buffer as a background pattern.
- If there is no swap, it uses the main buffer as background.
- pick color for shadow:
- If you check this and select the Okay button, the script will
- stop and wait for you to pick a color, either from the image
- or from the palette.
- The color of the shadow will be the one you selected.
- pick color for backg.:
- If you check this and select the Okay button, the script will
- stop and wait for you to pick a color, either from the image
- or from the palette.
- The color of the background will be the one you selected.
- If you check both this and the "background from swap" options,
- then this won't have any effect.
- disperse:
- This will make the shadow look something like speedlines.
- save these settings:
- Hmm... let me see... Ohh, yes, it saves your settings.
- But they will reset on reboot.
- You can change the defaults if you open the script in a
- texteditor, and find the note I left for you.
- history
- -------
- 0.9 - Fixed bug which occured with softness over 2.
- 0.8 - Should now work with most versions of IFX.
- 0.7 - first release
- future
- ------
- I WILL improve it (but I don't know how, mail me if you do).
- ============================= Archive contents =============================
- Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
- -------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
- 6651 2056 69.0% 21-Feb-98 20:39:48 smearshadow.ifx
- 4124 1800 56.3% 21-Feb-98 23:28:24 smearshadow.readme
- -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
- 10775 3856 64.2% 12-Mar-98 05:02:16 2 files